Monday, October 4, 2010

New Flags and what they mean.

Hi everyone,
I forgot to explain the flag colors of the new ones you see on the course now:
Red – Pin is in front section of the Green
White – Pin is in middle section of the Green
Blue – Pin is in back section of the Green
I’d also like to throw out another thanks to the businesses who sponsored the flags:
1) GMJ Contracting
2) Hometown Furniture
3) Fillmore’s Entertainment Lounge
4) Fillmore’s Fine Dining
5) Fred Stagg Law Office
6) Western College
7) Indian Head Co-op
8) College of the North Atlantic
9) Arlim Company
Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Thursday, September 16, 2010

HSL Final Men's Night - Saturday, October 2nd

John has a bunch of different games up his sleeve. Basically, the “buy in” will be $20 per person, but the $20 will cover all the following games:
- 4 man/2 low net, minimum total combined handicap of 34 per team
- 2 man blind draw/1 low net
- Deuce Pot
So, lots of kicks at the hardup cup left yet! We’ll be making Hulan do some last minute number crunching that evening.
I’ll place a sheet down at the pro-shop for signing up (Club is closed I think). If you don’t have a 4 man team, write down your name(s) of what you do have, and again, we’ll try to complete your team for you with other singles/doubles, etc.
Should be a fun one guys
Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

HSL Club Championship Wrap Up!

Hi all, we had yet another great tournament. We ended up with 5 ladies and 35 men (two divisions) which was good considering the forecast!

Gary Dunville and Wayne Dove did a great job with the organization of the event, and as always, the staff at the club helped things run smoothly. Betty cooked some wonderful chili for Saturday evening, and Roy Bungay had some awesome deserts for us to enjoy, thanks!

We managed to avoid the wrath of Hurricane Earle and got two rain free rounds in. Mind you, both rounds were rather breezy, but not cold, so it worked out well.

Here were the results:

Our 2010 Club Champion is JOHN HOGAN

Our 2010 Senior Club Champion is ROY BUNGAY

Breakdown of placings for A Division:

1st Gross - John Hogan 0 (75/73)
1st Net - Roy Bungay 7 (76/81)
2nd Gross - Glen Burke 0 (76/73)
2nd Net - Fred Stagg 9 (78/84)
3rd Gross - Gary Dunville 1 (72/79)
3rd Net - Justin House 9 (72/90)
4th Gross - Jon Organ 5 (77/80)
4th Net - Gerry Boland 6 (76/81)

Breakdown of placings for B Division:

1st Gross - Brian Kerfont 15 (88/82)
1st Net - Sam Organ 22 (96/95)
2nd Gross - Richard Rotchford 14 (91/85)
2nd Net - Kevin Beanland 16 (91/93)
3rd Gross - Tony White 13 (87/92)
3rd Net - Roger Huxter 23 (97/112)
4th Gross - Bob Ford 13 (88/92)
4th Net - Aaron White 14 (90/93)

Breakdown for Ladies Division:

1st Gross - Alayne Hiscock 23 (100/102)
1st Net - Liz Cormier 37 (123/106)
2nd Gross - Brenda Rodriguez 28 (106/111)
2nd Net - Donna White 29 (122/109)

This tournament wraps up or series of stroke play events for the year. However, there are still some more events to keep all us die hards in the game:

Men's Night finale - Saturday, October 2nd
Also, check your e-mails on Thursday nights, I may try to organize various different team games for Saturday/Sunday mornings when weather permits.

Thanks again to everyone who participated in our events, it was a great summer, and our course was buzzing with activity every weekend.

Don't forget the fall meeting/election of officers (TBA, usually in October). I'm sure there'll be a notice sent out, but remember, this meeting is the most important of all meetings, and it historically yields the least attendance. I hope this year that this history of absence will change, and our club will get a true representation of the membership at the meeting. That's where you get to voice any concerns you have to the executive, current and new!

Here's to a great fall of Golf...

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Men's night results - Sept. 1

It was another great show, we had 38 players for last evening.

Results were....

1st - total 4 man aggregate net score of +2:
Rob Belliveau
Roger Marsden
David Janes
Randy Alexander

Tie for second + 9 :
John Hogan
Justin House
Mike Perry
Ron Cormier

Danny Soucy
Terry Sandford
Richard Rotchford
Ian Stokes

Remember, the 2010 HSL Men's Night finale is Saturday, Sept. 25. We will be teeing off in the afternoon with a social to follow. We are soliciting prizes for this event, and the format will most likely be 4 man teams, but we will make them by mixing everyone up. I'll follow up soon with more details.

Thanks to everyone who came out last night.

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hat Sale .....Just 10 bucks.

Hey guys,

We had some left overs of the Harmon Invitational 2010 hats so they are on sale in the Pro Shop for $10.00 plus tax. They are beautiful hats with the new logo, I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of them floating around.


Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Monday, August 23, 2010

Men's Night results.

Hi all,

a little late with this one, but better late than never:

1st - -14
Josh Boyd
Chris Gaudon
Roger Hulan
Dean Oake

Tie 2nd - -9 :
Kevin Beanland
Glen Burke
Dwayne Fillmore
Jeremy Green
Rod Roberts
Wayne Ford
Matt Tibbo
Mike Tibbo

We'll be having one more men's night before the summer's out, so let's make it a big one, mark it on your calender, Sept. 1st. John and I then discussed a closing men's night on a Saturday sometime in September.

Stay tuned!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tommy Hynes Tournament - August 7/8

I was asked by the organizers to pass this reminder along....

The Tommy Hynes Skins Tournament will be held this weekend, Saturday & Sunday, at the Harmon Seaside Links:
- four men team
- maximum handicap allowed is 14 per person (if you are higher than 14, you have to play off a 14)
- $35 per person for entry
- each hole is worth $30 but skins are not divided over number of winning holes in a day, they can be carried over, and the first outright skin wins the holes to that point. Skins are determined on lowest 4 person total net score on a hole.

There is a signup sheet at the clubhouse.


Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Harmon Invitational 2010 - Wrap up!

What an event! We were working on some pretty low numbers right up until the last week, then we ended up with 80 men and 4 women for the tournament!

Our committee worked hard to put off a great tournament, but the volunteers and staff did just as much. There were too many people involved to name them all, but you all know who you are! It was an awesome event to be a part of.

There were no hole in ones, but the closest to the holes ($250.00) were won by:
#5 – Bob Ford/Justin House
#8 – Matthew Tibbo/Gary Dunville
#11 – Matthew Tibbo/Gary Dunville
#5 – Kirt Beanland/Brian Boyd
#8 – Paul Hulan/John Hogan
#11 – Sheldon Buckle/Brian Kerfont

John Hogan thought up an awesome chipping contest into a 30” diameter bucket filled with sand that provided hours and hours (until dark) of great entertainment. Steve Harris was the winner as dusk set in, from approximately 80 yards!

The putting contest also went off well with a 4 way tie:
Glen Burke
Kirt Beanland
Kevin Beanland
Don Alexander

The major draw prize of the Large Screen TV went to Alex Parr.

What can we say? The weather was unbelievable for all 3 days of the tournament, and the club sales prove it!
There was some skepticism about the two man format, but I think after the weekend was over, everyone agreed that it was a great format to get people

Onto the divisional results:

1st gross - Kate Cashin
1st net - Deborah Auger
2nd gross - Glenda White
2nd net - Liz Cormier

C Division:
1st gross – Andrew Dominee/Rick Solo
1st net – Kirt Beanland/Brian Boyd
2nd gross – Charlie Earle/Alan McCompsky
2nd net – Kevin Goverde/Jon Stapleton
3rd gross – Rod Roberts/Gerry Day
3rd net – Dave Mills/Mike Perry

B Division:
There were a few issues with the placings that I realized when I got the scores home and reviewed them. So, if you see your name here, but didn't get a prize, we will get it to you. Sorry for the mixup, but we were pretty rushed and there were a few different people at it and B Division placements got determined with a different method than A & C. Regardless, here are the results:
1st gross – Josh Froude/Jeremy Green
1st net – Sheldon Buckle/Brian Kerfont
2nd gross – Butch Barron/Harold Porter
2nd net – Justin House/Bob Ford
3rd gross – Kevin Hann/Dean Oake
3rd net – Tyler Lucas/Harry Hiscock

The A Division provided some awesome drama! We ended up with two teams tied for first which lead us to a sudden death playoff between the teams of Tibbo/Dunville & Burke/Hann. Numerous people crowded #1 fairway and followed the two teams up, it was great! The playoff ended with Dunville two putting for par and Burke missing his up and down putt. Very exciting.
A Division:
1st gross – Gary Dunville/Matthew Tibbo
1st net – Fred Stagg/Sonny Wood
2nd gross – Glen Burke/Brad Hann
2nd net – Roger Hulan/Blair Noftal
3rd gross – Steve Harris/Josh White
3rd net - Brian Buckle/Tom Daniels

And the overall Champion based on individual play was Steve Harris.

Thanks again to everyone who participated and helped out. As far as we are concerned, it was a HUGE sucess!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Monday, August 2, 2010

Men's Night - Wedneday - August 4

Hi all,

We are going to do a “bring a non-golfer/non-member” night this Wednesday. Same price applies, $15 for members, $25 for non-members. We’ll have some grub for when everyone gets in.

- 9 hole event
- 2 man scramble team consisting of a member and a non-golfer/non-member. Both players tee off, you go to the best shot, and both players hit from there. This continues until ball is in the hole.
- you have to use at least 3 tee shots from your non-golfer/non-member
- Prizes will not be based on low score, we will be doing draw prizes. This event is about trying to expose the sport to potential golfers and show them the gem of a course we have right here in Town. Of course, you can still have bragging rights with low score!

Make your own tee times for Wednesday evening. Since it is only 9 holes, try to keep your tee times between 5 and 6 so we can all finish as closely as possible.

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Harmon Invitational Schedule - Let the games begin!

Here is the way the weekend will work for the "side games" and other events, these side games are obviously voluntary and aside from the tournament registration. All games are based on lowest TEAM SCORE, not individual. Skins will be divisional (two divisions, say A and half of B, and the other half of B with C).

So, the pratice round is this coming Friday, and with the practice round comes some friendly competition :)
$20 entry fee per team of which the breakdown for games will be:
- $2 for deuce pot
- $5 for skins
- $13 for two team low net on blind draw, 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Make sure you pay before you play your Practice round on Friday!

We will be having a meet and great on Friday evening after the Practice Round as well as pushing the sales of the Calcutta teams (if there are any left!).

Also, Registration will start on Friday whereby you will receive a "loot bag" of sorts with lots of goodies. 6 of the loot bags will have a voucher for West Side Charlies for an hour of free pool and a bucket of Labatt Products, again, at random!

Complementary Breakfast - There will be a ticket in your Registration bag for this. You must have your breakfast on Saturday.

Blind Calcutta:
This is also a two team low net competition. We will make 4 person teams (two teams playing in Tournament) and the two team combinations will have very close average handicaps to make it as fair as possible. The two team combinations will then be put into envelopes and numbered. Nobody will know what team corresponds with what number, that's were the "blind" comes in. The envelopes will be at the bar, and the cost will be $40.00 per envelope. You can buy one by yourself, or get together with others, it's up to you. YOU NEED TO BUY YOUR ENVELOPE (S) BEFORE START OF PLAY ON SATURDAY MORNING. We sould have them ready for Friday morning for purcase. This two team low net competition is based on Saturday's play only, and prize will be awarded Saturday evening.

$10.00 per team with an additional $2.00 per person for deuce pot

Putting Competition:
Following Saturday's round, there will be a 6 hole circuit setup on the practice green whereby you can try your luck at the lowest score. Lowest score wins half the pot with the other half going to Jr. Golf. Play as many times as you want, just pay te $2.00 each time!

Club Toss:
We will have an area (good distance from club) wereby you can pay a loonie for a toss. Again, play as many times as you want, and long toss wins half the pot with the other half going to Jr. Golf.

Steak Supper:
Our cooks will be at it so the steaks will be ready around 5:00 onward. Again, you will have a ticket in your loot bag for your Steak Supper.

We have Francis Hynes playing in the Clubhouse from 9:00pm until we are ready to go home, so bring your vocal chords and a spare pair of shoes, it's gonna be a time!

Draw Prizes:
We have numerous draw prizes throughout Saturday night, but the PAL return flight will be drawn around 10:00pm, and the Large Screen TV ($1,400 value) at 11:00pm. You MUST be there to win these. If your name is drawn and you are not there, we re-draw until we hit somebody who is there.

$10.00 per team with an additional $2.00 per person for deuce pot

Presentations of placement prizes following the final group's arrival into the Clubhouse

It's going to be a fun event, I hope most of you can make it!

One more thing, we encourage you to invite your spouse/significant other to the enjoy the entertainment following the supper. We'll be clearing out the tables to create a dance floor!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Men's Night - REVISED - Wednesday, July 28

Due to the impending weather, we have decided to change the men's night to Wednesday, July 28th (instead of Tuesday). Since the women are only playing 9 holes, they are not starting until 5:30pm, so that allows us to get out in lots of times for 18 holes.

So, book your own tee time for Wednesday as soon as you can.


Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Need a Partner for the Harmon Invitational???

I figured with less than a week left for registering, there are probably some people scrambling to find a partner for the Harmon. So, feel free to e-mail me if you are one of those people. Also, here are three singles looking for a partner as of now:

Harry Hiscock - 15 Handicap
Pat Williams - 19 Handicap
Ron Cormier - 6 Handicap

As I mentioned, for this format, most people want to find a partner close to their own handicap, however, I doubt they'll be picky over a few strokes in the difference! So, if any of you want to pair up with either of these guys, or, you want to get your name to me for future singles looking, plesae e-mail me asap.

Thanks to everyone,

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Final Results from the Provincial Amatuer

Congrats to Gary (Gigs) Dunville and Glen Burke who made the Provincial Team, as well as John Hogan who is the first alternate. I think it is also great to see that we had 12 members play this tournament, almost half the field!

NL Provincial Team:
1st Nikashantess Penashue
2nd Gary Dunville
3rd Michael Tibbo
4th Glen Burke
1st Alternate John Hogan
2nd Alternate Mike Mullens


Penashue Nikashantess AM 75 70 70 78 1
Dunville Gary HSL 74 74 76 77 2
Tibbo Michael Blo 80 73 77 74 3
Burke Glen HSL 77 74 78 77 4
Hogan John HSL 80 79 76 74 5
Mullins Mike Blo 79 77 82 72 6
Tibbo Matthew Blo 80 74 74 83 7
Conley Chuck BH 79 76 77 82 8
Soucy Terry HSL 80 79 76 81 9
King Jordan Bro 81 78 80 79 10
Boland Ryan Gle 80 75 81 83 11
Boyd Josh HSL 76 75 84 85 T12
Bursey Blair Gan 80 83 75 82 T12
Goodwin Andrew Gle 81 78 79 85 14
Organ Jon HSL 82 89 80 77 15
Pilcz Danny Blo 86 82 83 79 16
Chipp Darrell HSL 83 82 84 87 17
Andrew Atshapi AM 81 86 76 76 18
Cabot George AM 83 80 81 87 T19
Ford Wayne Blo 85 86 79 81 T19
Murphy Allan Gle 86 77 83 87 20
Barry Jacob Blo 88 87 83 78 T21
Campbell Eric AM 85 84 82 85 T21
Margeson Andrew Blo 83 88 85 80 T21
Hulan Roger HSL 85 80 83 89 22
Morris Dylon AM 95 75 85 88 23
Froude Josh HSL 86 86 86 90 24
Keats Jarrod Blo 85 86 91 87 25
Green Jeremy HSL 92 89 86 87 26
Bennett Don HSL 94 86 91 90 27
Pilcz John Blo 104 106 96 94 28
Winsor Matthew Gle 108 111 96 92 29

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rule of the Week - Starting Times & Groups

Ask the Captain - Ground Conitions

Update on Amateur from Day 3

Hey all, we still have some members in the hunt! Final day today, top 4 make the team. Here are the standings following yesterday’s round:

Name Club Total Total Total Rank

PenashueNikashantess AM 75 70 70 1
Dunville Gary HSL 74 74 76 2
Tibbo Matthew Blo 80 74 74 3
Burke Glen HSL 77 74 78 4
TibboMichael Blo 80 73 77 5
Conley Chuck BH 79 76 77 6
Boyd Josh HSL 76 75 84 T7
Hogan John HSL 80 79 76 T7
Soucy Terry HSL 80 79 76 T7
Boland Ryan Gle 80 75 81 10
Bursey Blair Gan 80 83 75 T11

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Provincial Amatuers @ HSL - Day 2 Standings

Well, we still have 3 of our guys in the top four after the second day of the tournament. Here are the standings after day 2, all the HSL members are in red:

Name Club 2 Day Score Over Par
Nikashantess Penashue AM 145 1
Gary Dunville HSL 148 4
Josh Boyd HSL 151 7
Glen Burke HSL 151 7
Michael Tibbo Blo 153 9
Matthew Tibbo Blo 154 10
Ryan Boland Gle 155 11
Chuck Conley BH 155 11
Mike Mullins Blo 156 12
Andrew Goodwin Gle 159 15
John Hogan HSL 159 15
Jordan King Bro 159 15
Terry Soucy HSL 159 15
Blair Bursey Gan 163 19
Stephen Shepherd Blo 163 19
George Cabot AM 163 19
Allan Murphy Gle 163 19
Darrell Chipp HSL 165 21
Roger Hulan HSL 165 21
Atshapi Andrew AM 167 23
Paul Hulan HSL 168 24
Danny Pilcz Blo 168 24
Eric Campbell AM 169 25
Dylon Morris AM 170 26
Jon Organ HSL 171 27
Wayne Ford Blo 171 27
Jarrod Keats Blo 171 27
Andrew Margeson Blo 171 27
Josh Froude HSL 172 28
Jacob Barry Blo 175 31
Roy Hurley Blo 176 32
Don Bennett HSL 180 36
Jeremy Green HSL 181 37
Brian Luby Blo 185 41
Nick Tsibidis AM 196 52
John Pilcz Blo 210 66
Matthew Winsor Gle 219 75

Keep it up guys, we are all pulling for you!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Harmon Invitational - Early Bird Winners!

We did the draw today for the early bird registrations for the Harmon Invitational next weekend, and the winners were as follows:

In Town Early Bird - Sponsored by Iceberg, Canadian Tire and Bluebird
AARON WHITE (Team partner Dave Hynes)

Out of Town Early Bird - Sponsored by Labatt, Keyano Motel and Bluebird
KEVIN GOVERDE of Nova Scotia (Team Partner John Stapleton)

Congrats to these winners, and a big thanks to the sponsors.

We are looking forward to the tournament next weekend, remember, if you missed the early bird, you have to have your registration/money paid by close of business next Thursday, July 29.

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Provincial Amatuer Tournament - Day 1 results

There is a field of 36 for this year's Provincial Amatuer Tournament, and most of you know, the Harmon Seaside Links is host.

Of the 37, 12 of the players are from our club (Highlighted in red below), and after the first day, 3 of our members are in the top 4, with many others only shots off the team (top 4). Here are the standings, and I'll keep everyone updated after each of the four days of this tournament.

Good luck to all 12 of you!

Round 1 Tourn
F9 B9 Total Total Rank
Dunville Gary HSL 36 38 74 74 1
Penashue Nikashantess AM 37 38 75 75 2
Boyd Josh HSL 39 37 76 76 3
Burke Glen HSL 39 38 77 77 4
Conley Chuck BH 42 37 79 79 T5
Mullins Mike Blo 37 42 79 79 T5
Boland Ryan Gle 39 41 80 80 T7
Bursey Blair Gan 41 39 80 80 T7
Hogan John HSL 40 40 80 80 T7
Soucy Terry HSL 41 39 80 80 T7
Tibbo Matthew Blo 39 41 80 80 T7
Tibbo Michael Blo 40 40 80 80 T7
Goodwin Andrew Gle 40 41 81 81 T13
Hulan Paul HSL 42 39 81 81 T13
King Jordan Bro 41 40 81 81 T13
Andrew Atshapi AM 41 40 81 81 T13
Organ Jon HSL 42 40 82 82 17
Chipp Darrell HSL 43 40 83 83 T18
Shepherd Stephen Blo 43 40 83 83 T18
Cabot George AM 43 40 83 83 T18
Margeson Andrew Blo 43 40 83 83 T18
Campbell Eric AM 43 42 85 85 T22
Ford Wayne Blo 41 44 85 85 T22
Hulan Roger HSL 45 40 85 85 T22
Keats Jarrod Blo 43 42 85 85 T22
Pilcz Danny Blo 42 44 86 86 T26
Froude Josh HSL 43 43 86 86 T26
Murphy Allan Gle 43 43 86 86 T26
Barry Jacob Blo 43 45 88 88 29
Hurrley Roy Blo 46 44 90 90 30
Luby Brian Blo 46 45 91 91 31
Green Jeremy HSL 46 46 92 92 32
Bennett Don HSL 50 44 94 94 33
Morris Dylon AM 51 44 95 95 34
Tsibidis Nick AM 55 47 102 102 35
Pilcz John Blo 54 50 104 104 36
Winsor Matthew Gle 52 56 108 108 37

Justin House

HSL Golf Captain

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Next Mens Night - July 27th

Hi all,

John Hogan and I had a chat today, and since HSL has 12 people playing the Amatuer this week (of which all normally play men's night), we are going to postpone men's night until Next Tuesday, July 27th. It's not that these guys wouldn't play both, but, if you remember the ATC about "practicing", these guys can't play Men's night, then play the next day.

Since the Harmon Invitational is next weekend (July31/August 1), we are going to do men's night with the same format as the Harmon to get all you into the swing of how it works, possibly work out a strategy, or, maybe decide to get rid of your partner, haha. Seriously, next week's men's night will be 2 man better ball, based on lower handicap of your two man team. There will be some people who might not be able to play with their partner, so you can play with whoever you want! Also, you should try to play in 4somes for the sake of attesting. We'll have a sheet at the clubhouse sometime this week into next, so feel free to sign up your two man team when you get a chance.

Fee for the night will be the same as normal, $15 for members, $25 for non-members.

Hope to see you all there!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 16 ATC & ROTW - Harmon Format!

I'm getting a few questions on how the "Better ball" format works, so I thought I would explain it in this week's "ATC" since the early bird deadline is this Friday for registration, and people are probably trying to make up their minds. This is an awesome format to releive the pressure of playing with somebody new (if that bothers you). You will be playing with your partner each day!

I was also asked about a Ladies Division and once I get the particulars from the organizer (Gigs I think), I'll e-mail them along.

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Monday, July 12, 2010

Harmon Invitational Early Bird Deadline Reminder

This is to remind to all golfers that the early bird deadline for the Harmon Invitational is this Friday, July 16th. There are 2 early bird draws:

1. Members (local) – one 60 ouncer from Iceberg, cab fares from Bluebird Taxi, and two $60 gift certificates from Canadian Tire.

2. Out-of-towners – two nights at the Keyano Motel, cab fares from Bluebird Taxi and 2 dozen beer.

In order to qualify for these draws your completed entry form and registration fee must be passed in at the club house by closing on Friday, July 16th. There will be no exceptions.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2010 Captain's Cup - Results

A Division
Gross / Net

1) Glenn Burke 1) Cyril Alexander
2) Gary Dunville 2) Jon Organ
3) John Hogan 3) Paul Hulan

B Division
Gross / Net
1) Fred Stagg 1) Dean Oake
2) Charlie Earle 2) Sheldon Buckle
3) Josh Froude 3) Gary Nolan

C Division
Gross / Net
1) Brian Kerfont 1) Dave Mills
2) Bob Ford 2) Charlie Earle
3) Kevin Beanland 3) John Barter

Once again, great to see golfers of all handicaps taking part, that's what these tournaments are about!

John Hogan and I took the lead for the tournament commitee on this one, so we would like to thank these awesome local businesses for sponsoring this Year's Captain's Cup:

West Side Charlies
Byrnes Shoes & Sportswear
GnR Recreation

We would also like to help those who gave us a hand with the registrations, as well as running the skins and deuce pot games.

Well done everyone!

Next big one is THE HARMON INVITATIONAL. So, round up your partner and get your registrations in to the clubhouse. Early Bird Deadline is July 16th (don't worry, I'll remind you a few time before then :) ).

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No Handicap - No Entry into Events

Hello fellow golfers,

I would like to be clear on the point that I have already voiced in the past. If you sign up for a men’s night, or one of our tournaments, you MUST have an established handicap on the RCGA system, OR, a signed handicap form from your home course. This goes for Harmon Seaside Links players and non-members. The only obvious exception to this would be a scramble format where we are mixing non-golfers in.

From this point onward, if myself and the Tournament Committee cannot find an established handicap on our computer system when we do a search, you will not be permitted to play. I will not entertain such comments as “that’s my handicap from two years ago”, or “I don’t know how to put my scores in”. If your handicap is not up to date, that is not our fault, and we can only go by what is established. Also, I have offered to help anyone who does not know how to enter scores, and have only had one person ask.

Remember, this game needs to remain fun, and fair, for all of us to play. I am not making these statements to be difficult, we need to keep everyone’s interest in this game, so everyone has to be playing off an established handicap, no exceptions.

So, if you are signed up for the Captain’s Cup this weekend, you MUST have an established handicap, either visible through out Computer system, or with a form from your home club. If not, you will not be permitted to play.

Men's Night Results - June 23 2010

Another great success!! I think once some people dropped out, but others were added, we ended up with 53 golfers.

The results of the two man blind draw Stableford Format were:
1st Place - 75 points
Larry Bennett / Troy Gaudon - $220.00 ($110.00 each)
2nd Place – TIE - 67 points
Roger Hulan / Jeremy Green & Kevin Beanland / Paul Hulan - $110.00 Per team ($55.00 per person)

On behalf of John and myself, we would like to thank the following sponsors of Men’s night:
Molson/Group Six
Bluebird Taxi
Canadian Tire
Beanland Moving
College of the North Atlantic

Thanks again to everyone who came out, it’s great to see such interest.

THE NEXT MEN’S NIGHT WILL BE ON THURSDAY, JULY 8th. We had to shuffle by one day due to the Junior Provincials holding their banquet on Wednesday night of that week. Stay tuned, we’ll send out an e-mail with the details on format for July 8th.

See you on the Links!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Index Vs. Handicap - Breaking Points

If you remember the “Ask the Captain” from June 4, I explained how the course rating works to establish a Handicap. I wanted to share the CURRENT Index/Handicap breaking points to everyone to see that it’s just not a round up or round down from your Index to get your Handicap. I have only attached the current listing for the White tees for Men, and I will post this by the computer in the Clubhouse.

We will be getting our results of the Course Rating this Wednesday, so if the Slope has changed in any way, so will all of our indices and handicaps accordingly from that point onward. I will then prepare a new sheet as attached for men and women off each set of tees.

I will explain the changes related to how the course was rated last week in this week’s “Ask the Captain”.

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Registration Sheets - Captain's Cup & Men's Night

Just wanted to let you know there will be two signup sheets at the clubhouse as of this morning:
- Men’s Night, June 23rd
- Captain’s Cup, June 26/27

It would appreciate if you could call down to the clubhouse before tomorrow evening (Tuesday) to sign up for Men’s night so the club knows how many they are cooking for.

As for the Captain’s Cup, John and I need to know by Friday evening at 5:00pm so we can do the divisions and tee time draw.

Exciting week of Golf coming up everyone, and the weather looks like it wants to cooperate!

Just another note, you might have noticed some furriness throughout the course but things haven’t been cut due to the Herbicide spray that was applied. Hopefully by Men’s night we’ll have fresh cut fairways and greens.

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Sunday, June 20, 2010

HSL Men's Night - June 23

The third Mens night will be held on Wed ... June 23

Cost $15.00 members...$25.00 non menbers.... Includes food and a beverage

Format: Stapleford - 2man Blind Draw

Rules :

More than net bogey- 0 points
• Net bogey - 1 point
• net par - 2 points
• Net Birdie - 3 points
• Net Eagle - 4 points
• Net Double Eagle( 3 under) - 5 points

- Book your own Tee time with your own group
- you do not need a foursome, if you only have two or three in your group, go ahead and play
- it's a blind draw when we come in, however you have to keep a separate individual score card as attached, Points are indicated on it, and these will be available at the club bar on Wednesday, so don't worry about printing one off.
- Please sign up and pay before you play!

Looking for another great turn out.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Well, it’s the second club tournament of the year, and the one that kicks off the summer for a lot of our members! The Captain’s Cup will be held On Saturday, June 26, and Sunday June 27th.

Glen Burke provided me with some History of Champions of our Club Tournaments, I’ll share the Captain’s Cup Champion History here:
1990 – Glen Burke
1991 – George Chaulk
1992 – George Chaullk
1993 – Glen Burke
1994 – George Chaulk
1995 – Roy Bungay
1996 – Glen Burke
1997 – Glen Burke
1998 – Todd White
1999 – Glen Burke
2000 – Steve Harris
2001 – Glen Burke
2002 – Steve Harris
2003 – Steve Harris
2004 – Steve Harris
2005 – Not Played
2006 – Todd White
2007 – Glen Burke
2008 – Paul Hulan
2009 – John Hogan

I also wanted to add that I have called this “open” to anyone. I already had an e-mail asking if it is a closed tournament, so I figured I would mention it since a lot of you might know people on vacation here in town at that time and the like. Two conditions:
1) Proof of Handicap, either through the RCGA website, or with a RCGA Handicap Form from their home club
2) They will pay $20 each day for golf, on top of the $30 registration (Total of $70.00).

Hopefully we’ll see you all there!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Men's Night Winners - Wednesday June 9 2010

Well, the 4 man texas scamble went off awesome. We ended up with 12 teams (48 people) on a cold windy night.

1st Place at -9
Danny Soucy
Glen McIsaac
Roger Hulan
Richard Rotchford

2nd Place at -6
Paul Hulan
Bob Ford
Tony White
Justin House

Tie for 3rd at -5
Roy Bungay
Terry Soucy
George Pike
John Barter
Loyola O’Connor
Rick Cook
Gerry Boland
Harry Hiscock

Everyone had a great time, and the Harmon Seaside Links hopes that more people get into this fun and sociable game!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Golf Etiquette

Hi all,

I’m not going to nag you with too many things, just a few etiquette requests to help things run smoother at our Golf course, and at the same time, make it an even nicer place to play:

After you tee off, if you break your tee, please don’t throw it about. It helps our maintenance guys a lot if we place them either in a bucket, or at least next to a tee block (in one spot). When they arrive on a tee box to cut it, if there are broken tees everywhere, they have to pick them up before they cut because the tees are very hard on the mower blades.

The old cutting across to #10 trick is popular at our course. Don’t get me wrong, I do this many times, however, without a starter, we have to make sure we check with the pro-shop to make sure it’s ok. Also, the rule of thumb is not to do it if there are golfers anywhere on #9 (that the pro shop tells you are playing 18 holes). Our current route across to #9 is behind #18 green and across #9 fairway. We should actually be going behind both greens, especially if pulling a cart or in power cart. Also, there is nothing more frustrating than coming up #9 while somebody is walking across to #10, then, being held up by that group the rest of the way around. We all have the luxury of being able to start on #1 or #10 most times, but we need to realize that the groups on the front 9 have priority. Also, it is not the pro shop’s responsibility to book you a time for #1 if you started on #10, you need to time it accordingly and make sure you have a time.

Our course has very little issue with speed of play. Actually, it’s probably the best course I’ve ever played for getting around 18 holes. I’ve played courses in PEI where it takes over 5 hours to play a round! However, I just wanted to mention a couple of points about when to let somebody “play through”. First thing, DON’T RUSH! There is no point to rush because somebody is behind you, you’ll never get better at this game if you are worried about playing too slow. If there is a group behind you that seem to be always waiting for a shot, let them play through on the next tee. Obviously, there is no point to do this if you are not the group causing the slowness (ie. you are waiting every shot because of the group ahead of you). So, a good benchmark to use is, if there is a full hole ahead of you with nobody on it, and a group is pushing behind, let them through. This lets you relax, and also lets the faster players play at a comfortable speed for them.

If you happen to go into bunker, please rake your pitch mark, swing mark, feet marks and your path in/out of the bunker. Would you like to be in somebody’s footprint if you had to hit out of the bunker? Rake the bunker to leave it in a fashion that you would not be mad about hitting out of it. Try not to leave any ridges with your rake either. I am asking this because with almost about 40 traps on our course, 30 of which are on the front 9 which sees the most traffic, our maintenance guys do not get a chance to groom the bunkers every day, so we need to do our part to show etiquette to your fellow players.

Replace your divots! Most golfers take a “sod” when they swing at the ball. It may not seem like a big deal, but if you grab the sod while it’s still damp (before the roots die) and put it back in it’s place giving it a little stomp (to make sure the root surface is back where it was), it will grow back. There are too many dead sods lying about the fairways which obviously mean there are also divots left where they came from. Again, you wouldn’t want to land in a divot, right? This game is hard enough as it is, haha.

Fix your ball pitch marks on the green! Our greens are on their way to being the best we’ve seen, however, we need to keep them that way. Believe it or not, there is a wrong way to do this, and you can do more harm as leaving it alone if not done correctly. The jist of it is, DO NOT push your repair tool in and push down as to lift the depression back up. That just detaches the roots. You have to go around the diameter of the ball mark and push in towards the centre, bringing the grass into the depression. Pat it down with your foot or putter after. Here’s a good video to show you:

Not trying to pitch you off, but these are easy things we can all do to make our course even better!

Thanks to everyone!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Monday, June 7, 2010

Men's Night - Wednesday June 9 2010

Format: Texas Scramble
Each Player must use at least 3 drives
See rules below

Cost : $15.00 .... Food and Beverage included.

Choose your own team... However total handicap for the team must be at least 38. Sign up at he bar before teeing off... we need to know numbers.

Book your own tee time... any time after 2ish

If you don't have a team, phone down ( 643-4322) and sign up as a single and we will make up some teams based on Handicap....

Last mens night we had 34 participants,,, let's keep it going

Texas Scramble Rules (altered to three tee shots each vs. four)

1. Each team will consist of four players.
2. All players can tee off at each hole.
3. The nominated team captain then selects the best drive and marks the position (within 6 inches) with a tee (not nearer the hole). A minimum of three ( for our format) tee shots per player to be used.
4. The other players then retrieve their balls.
5. The remaining players then play within 1 club length of the tee (not nearer the hole). Note! Golf balls shall be placed on closely mown areas and dropped if the chosen ball in play is in the rough or a hazard.
6. The above method of play is followed until the green is reached.
7. On the green the same method applies. The ball chosen is marked by a putter head length and players putt from the same spot in turn.
8. Each player must mark the ball after putting. Play continues from each chosen position until the ball is holed.
9. The score is the total number of shots from the chosen spots (including the tee shot). Note! If a player putts and misses but then inadvertently knocks the ball into the hole, then that score counts.

On behalf of John Hogan and myself, hope to see you all there!!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Harmon Invitational Up-Date

Hello all,

Our Tournament Committee is very excited about the upcoming Harmon Invitational, and we are striving to make this a very successful Harmon Invitational. We’ve all been working hard to drum up major sponsorships, organize the format and tournament particulars, as well as market it efficiently. I would like to ask all of you for a favor…..if each of you forward to golfers you know across the country, they could be from here in the Bay St. George Area, from across Newfoundland, or they could be friends from away. You never know who might want to come home for this! Regardless, we want people to see the array of prizes and entertainment this Harmon will offer. If they don’t come this year, they might next!

Also, the new format creates a less “pressured” style of setup with more competitive fun. Basically, you pick a partner who should be around your handicap (but doesn’t have to be). You and your partner play as a team the entire weekend. The team’s handicap will be based on the lower of the two RCGA handicaps, and that will place you into a Division (A, B or C). Within the Division there will be 1, 2 and 3rd prizes for Gross and Net. THIS IS NOT A SCRAMBLE. In other words, you play your own ball throughout, but the lowest score out of you and your partner on each hole will be the “team score” for the hole. As I said, since you will play with your partner the entire tournament, it will work in two great ways:
1) You will have the relaxed atmosphere of playing with your friend
2) You will still get to meet and play with new people in a foursome

The prizes for this tournament are amazing. Again, you don’t have to be the best golfer to get the best prizes. The major prizes are actually draw prizes on Saturday night, as well as the $250 closest to the Hole on three of the four par 3’s each day (which we know anyone can get!), and a hole in one prize each day as well. You will have to be present for the major draw prizes, but you’ll want to be there anyway for the steak dinner (after you play), and also the many fun events inside and out, and a party/dance Saturday night with a live band!

There are two early bird prizes, one for “in town” and one for “out of town”. The early bird eligibility is based on paying by July 16th, and it is non-fundable (for obvious reasons of being eligible). These prizes include “refreshments”, gift certificates, hotel for out of town, and other golf paraphernalia, prize packages total over $250 each.

We do not have a cap on the number of teams that we will be accepting, but if registrations get to a point where we think getting all players around before supper occur, we’ll then cut it off. So, please don’t wait to long to get your registrations in, it helps us in knowing what we are working with for numbers, and we can determine what we need for a tee times as well.

So, please forward this e-mail with the attachments (poster and registration form) to whomever you can!

Thanks to all, and hope to see you on the course!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Monday, May 31, 2010

Harmon Seaside Links - Spring Open update

Good afternoon everyone,

I think the Tournament spirit is alive and well at the Harmon Seaside Links. We had 38 members golf in the Spring Open this past weekend and the weather cooperated perfectly. We appreciate the patience of the members who did not play the tournament and had to play the back nine first on Sunday morning, but with the impending weather, the committee decided to start at 8:00am to ensure the tournament could be completed. The timing worked out perfectly, the final group were only in the clubhouse 10 minutes when the downpour with high winds started.

A huge thanks to Sheldon Buckle who took the lead on the organization of the tournament, and had some help from Roger Hulan on the poster and other things leading into it. John Hogan and I helped out with the pin placements, draws and skins games.

Also, thanks to the sponsors of the tournament:
- Molson/Group Six
- Iceberg
- College of the North Atlantic
- Arlims
Because of these great sponsors, there were enough prizes to have 1, 2, 3 and 4th places in 3 divisions for net and gross winners!

This tournament, although played by members only this time around, was a great boost for the club during the month of May. The money spent at the club during these type of events really helps us all as members in the long run. I think things are on the up and up!

Here are the results:
A – Division
1st Gross – Glen Burke
1st Net – Roy Bungay
2nd Gross – John Hogan
2nd Net – Danny Soucey
3rd Gross – Terry Soucy
3rd Net – Don Benett
4th Gross – Paul Hulan
4th Net – Josh Boyd

B – Division
1st Gross – Cyril Alexander
1st Net – Jeremy Green
2nd Gross – Sheldon Buckle
2nd Net – Josh Froud
3rd Gross – Justin House
3rd Net – Wayne Dove
4th Gross – Gary Nolan
4th Net – Barry Wilton

C – Division
1st Gross – Dale Murphy
1st Net – Kevin Beanland
2nd Gross – Brian Kerfont
2nd Net – John Barter
3rd Gross – Aaron White
3rd Net – Roger Huxter
4th Gross – Gerald nurse
4th Net – Gregg Lecoure

Closest to the Pin Saturday - #5 – Brian Hawco, #17 – Kevin Beanland
Closest to the Pin Sunday - #8 – Kevin Beanland, #11 – Roger Huxter

There were too many skins to mention here, but I think everyone enjoyed the friendly competition.

Thanks again to everyone who helped organize and participated, and I hope that we’ll see even more for the CAPTAIN’S CUP – JUNE 26/27th. Keep your eyes open for the poster and signup sheet!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ask the Captain - May 28 2010


When you golf from today onward, you will notice a littering of signs about the course. The reason is many people are attributing to the killing of the grass around our greens. You might not realize it, but even the push/pull carts flaten out the grass and kill it, especially if we get a dry spell.

I also put a fence up on #4 tee box (our adopted hole) because the same thing happens at the tee boxes, people pull their carts right to the edge and kill the grass.

It's not that much of an extra walk, please keep your pull/push carts and power carts at least 20 feet from the greens and we'll have a much nicer looking green area, but it will also be a lot nicer to play off of if your ball happens to end up there! A good rule of thumb to use is you should not be on any mounds with your carts! As for the tee boxes, there is no need to take your cart right to the edge of a tee box, most know what they are going to hit before walking onto the teeing ground.

I ask that everyone remind people who you golf with when you see them taking their carts near the greens.

Thanks, let's get our course to look even nicer!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Harmon Seaside Links - Golf Captain Information

Hello everyone, Just a little Captain’s Bulletin since things are picking up around the course and most are probably planning their vacations and want to know what’s upcoming at the Harmon Seaside Links….

The first tournament of the year, the Lewis Hillbillies Scramble, was a success. I thank all the sponsors who helped out with prizes and donations (you should have seen a poster with the sponsors around the club or course), as well as the volunteers who witnessed the Par 3’s on that cold windy day! Fred Stagg Law Office came on side with a major contribution on the day of the tournament, truly appreciated. Overall, we raised approximately $280 for Junior Golf through the raffles we ran, and according to the staff, the NET income from the tournament was over $3,000.00!!! (Accurate number will be available at a later date, but that is conservative). All of these proceeds are to be directed towards the purchase of the new machine for the greenskeepers.

Tournament Committee

I wanted to let everyone know who is helping me out with the organizing of tournaments this year (besides the exec. and staff obviously). This tournament committee is focusing on the 4 club tournaments (Spring open, Captain’s Cup, Harmon Invitational, Club Championship):

John Hogan

Paul Hulan

Bob Ford

Roger Hulan

Sheldon Buckle

Danny Soucy

Gary Dunville

Glenn Burke

John Hogan will also lead the way in organizing men’s night, and Melinda Anderson will be running women’s night. They will work together to have two mixed events as well, the one we had at the end of the year last year was awesome!

Tournaments & Formats

To start, I wanted to encourage members to enter their scores into the computer system. It is very straight forward, and allows the ability to play any tournament at our club, and also wherever you go. People think that if they only play 9 holes, they can’t enter their score, but that is not the case. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ENTERING YOUR SCORES, LET ME KNOW! Sheldon Buckle has been setting up the members online, so if you have not been setup, let me know and I’ll get you online.

To add to this point, our Tournament committee is making a point of having gross and net prizes for every division for all club tournaments to encourage more people to participate. I remember when I first played in the Harmon in 2002, I was a 30 handicap (used to shoot between 100 and 110), but I still had a blast, and met many new people and actually one a net prize! I then continued to play tournaments, and through being grouped with all calibers of players, of all ages, I am now comfortable to play with anybody. In short, don’t stay away from tournaments because of what you shoot on the course, play tournaments to meet your fellow members and have fun, you’ll be playing to your own capability!

Melinda recently sent out the poster for the Spring Open that will occur next weekend, May 29/30. I hope many of you will come and play.

The Captain’s Cup will be June 26/27th.

We are putting a lot of focus on the Harmon Invitational this year which will be July 30/31/August 1st. It was a success last year considering the short period of time that the committee had to organize. This year we have huge jump on it, and will be getting our registration forms and posters our across the province next week. I wanted to give our members a heads up about it because IT WILL BE A DIFFERENT FORMAT – 2 MAN BEST BALL (based on lower handicap of team). Again, this will hopefully attract more members of all calibers, especially since you know you’ll be playing with your buddy each day no matter what! We’ll have 3 divisions, but have gross and net prizes in each division. The prizes are going to be amazing with at least two major draw prizes, and 6 closest to the hole prizes of $250! There will also be a live band playing Saturday night (Sonny Woods, Tommy Hynes, etc.), with many fun games to take part in. There will be a major early bird draw prize for “members only”. Keep your eyes open for the registration sheets at the club, as well as the posters that will be displaying some of the major sponsors. This is going to be a big one!

The Club Championship will be Sept. 4/5th.

Ask the Captain/Rule of the Week

Some of you may have noticed some sheets that I left around for “Ask the Captain” and “Rule of the Week”. I encourage people to use the “Ask the Captain” folder that’s on the wall near the bar if you have a question about anything pertaining to Golf. I don’t know all the answers, but I know how to find them, and through the questions being asked, it will make us all more knowledgeable about the game! The Rule of the Week will be based on common rules that should be known by anyone who plays golf, I’ll basically reference them from my rulebook and give an explanation. I will leave the handouts around the clubhouse, but also e-mail them to all to read at your leisure.

If anyone has any questions, stop me if you see me at the course, or drop me an e-mail.

Thanks, and have a good long weekend!

Justin House

HSL Golf Captain