Friday, May 28, 2010


When you golf from today onward, you will notice a littering of signs about the course. The reason is many people are attributing to the killing of the grass around our greens. You might not realize it, but even the push/pull carts flaten out the grass and kill it, especially if we get a dry spell.

I also put a fence up on #4 tee box (our adopted hole) because the same thing happens at the tee boxes, people pull their carts right to the edge and kill the grass.

It's not that much of an extra walk, please keep your pull/push carts and power carts at least 20 feet from the greens and we'll have a much nicer looking green area, but it will also be a lot nicer to play off of if your ball happens to end up there! A good rule of thumb to use is you should not be on any mounds with your carts! As for the tee boxes, there is no need to take your cart right to the edge of a tee box, most know what they are going to hit before walking onto the teeing ground.

I ask that everyone remind people who you golf with when you see them taking their carts near the greens.

Thanks, let's get our course to look even nicer!

Justin House
HSL Golf Captain

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